17 December 2013

PADDLE/ PEDDLE/ PIDDLE by Robert Vaughan

Tuck Your Head

     It took a really tall one to see it. The balls are always coming. It’s a benefit the neck is as flexible as a goose debating take-off. Down it goes, chin on chest. Woosh. Balls fly by, just inches above, they graze the premature bald from your head.

Duck at It

     They’re “at it” all right. They never stop. You say rabbits, I say nah. You say moisture. I say gay puffy cotton clouds. You say boxer briefs, I say pillbox hats, before Dad dated Joan Collins in that dream where Joan duked it out with Mom.

Gut it Out

     They would hang upside-down in our garage. Suspended from rafters. He tried to clean all the blood and gore away. But it seeped into the cracks like sewage. On carnival July days it stank. We had to skate outdoors or we’d gag.


Robert Vaughan leads writing roundtables at Redoak Writing. His writing has appeared in hundreds of print and online journals. He is a Pushcart Prize nominee. His fiction “10,000 Dollar Pyramid” was a finalist in the Micro-Fiction Awards 2012. Also, “Ten Notes to the Guy Studying Jujitsu” was a finalist for the Gertrude Stein Award 2013. He is senior flash fiction editor at JMWW and Lost in Thought magazines. His first chapbook is Microtones (Cervena Barva Press), and just out his Diptychs + Triptychs + Lipsticks + Dipshits (Deadly Chaps). His first full- length book, Addicts and Basements, is coming in February 2014 (Civil Coping Mechanisms).

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